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How many Airbus shares are issued?

Airbus shares are exclusively ordinary shares with a par value of € 1. The authorised share capital consists of 3,000,000,000 shares. The figures below show the total number of issued shares and treasury shares as respectively issued and held by Airbus, as well as the resulting aggregate amount of outstanding voting rights.

What is the Airbus share buyback programme?

The share buyback programme was completed on 20 March 2023. The share buyback is undertaken pursuant to the general authority conferred on the Airbus SE Board of Directors by the 13th resolution to repurchase up to 10% of Airbus SE’s issued share capital by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Airbus SE on 12 April 2022.

What is Airbus' dividend policy?

Since 2013, Airbus’ dividend policy has demonstrated a strong commitment to shareholders’ returns. This policy targets sustainable growth in the dividend within a payout ratio of 30%-40%.

Why was Airbus renamed Airbus Group?

On 12 April 2017 Airbus Group was renamed Airbus after approval of the respective resolution at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Airbus shares are exclusively ordinary shares with a par value of € 1. The authorised share capital consists of 3,000,000,000 shares.

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